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Unfold - Logo

Freelance Project

This logo was created for a new life coaching business and program. The client wanted a logo using the imagery of a bird because to her they represent freedom, joy, beauty, positive energy. The name of the program, Unfold, comes from the idea of creating something new from what you are, unfolding new parts of yourself, yet you are still yourself, you are still that paper. This idea came into connection with the Japanese art of origami and the significance of the paper crane of success and good fortune. 

I created a few concepts around these ideas, using various birds and colour schemes. From this the client selected one and I developed it a little further, bringing in some features that she liked from other concepts until we were settled on the perfect design: an orange origami inspired humming bird.

You can see below some of my thought process, design process, and the final design.

Making origami to test ideas
Instagram mockup
Business card idea
Outline Gradient logo
card mockup
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